html> ") } var NewWin2=null function openNewWin2() { if(NewWin2 && !NewWin2.closed) NewWin2.close()"", "NewWin2", "resizable=yes,height=125,width=350,top=350,left=0") NewWin2.document.write("Sounds") NewWin2.document.write("") NewWin2.document.write("This is plain text with a background image and an animated gif.
") NewWin2.document.write("Sounds can be included.      
") NewWin2.document.write("") NewWin2.document.write("<BGSOUND SRC='869333-01.wav' LOOP='1'>") NewWin2.document.write("") } var NewWin3=null function openNewWin3() { if(NewWin3 && !NewWin3.closed) NewWin3.close()"", "NewWin3", "resizable=no,height=165,width=200,top=350,left=400"); NewWin3.document.write("Images") NewWin3.document.write("") NewWin3.document.write("
") NewWin3.document.write("") } var NewWin4=null function openNewWin4() { if(NewWin4 && !NewWin4.closed) NewWin4.close()"", "NewWin4", "toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,height=400,width=700,top=100,left=50"); NewWin4.document.write("New Window") NewWin4.document.write("") NewWin4.document.write("

Of course, it doesn't have to resemble a 'pop-up' window.

") NewWin4.document.write("

") NewWin4.document.write("
If they're open, click on the taskbar icons
") NewWin4.document.write("
to make the first three examples visible.
") NewWin4.document.write("") } function winClose(){ if(NewWin && !NewWin.closed) NewWin.close() if(NewWin2 && !NewWin2.closed) NewWin2.close() if(NewWin3 && !NewWin3.closed) NewWin3.close() if(NewWin4 && !NewWin4.closed) NewWin4.close() } //-->

examples:  One   Two   Three   Four

Put anything you want into a pop-up window

You can create a pop-up window with Java script using document.write that includes just about anything you want, without having to link to a separate htm document.  Try the examples above.  They will close by themselves when you leave or close the page.



-The difference between document.write and document.writeln is that the latter is supposed to add a line break at the end.  But Netscape needs a break or other tag at the end to print the last line anyway; I use write and include a break.

-To have no margins around a picture in a window, specify "topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'"; one is for IE, the other for Netscape.

-Keep text windows resizable to allow for different browser text size settings.

-If you do not specify closing the windows before opening, the contents will add copies of themselves every time you click on the link.

<BGSOUND SRC="869333-01.wav" LOOP="0">